Wiscasset Yacht Club

Where Good Friends and Great Boating Come Together!

Use of Facilities

The Yacht Club facilities are Maintained by and for the use of Wiscasset Yacht Club members and their guests.


The Clubhouse is available for rent by non-members at certain times. The form below describes the requirements.

Download WYC Rental Agreement


The Clubhouse is open and will be unlocked through the boating season on weekends during the steward’s hours. Outside of those hours, the club is available to members and if used should be left as it was found. This includes locking doors and windows, turning off lights, hear stoves and cleaning the kitchen.

Use by members and rentals- Club members have full use of the clubhouse and club facilities at any time that there is not a club function or an approved rental in progress. During Rentals, members still have the use of the parking lot, bathrooms, and docks. Any member wishing to have “Exclusive Use” of the clubhouse must pay the private rental fee.